
‘een verlangen naar oprechtheid’

    IN MEI VAN DIT JAAR PUBLICEERDE dit weekblad onder de kop ‘Verlangen naar oprechtheid’ een korte recensie van het laatste album van zangeres Anouk, Sad Singalong Songs. Een maand eerder verscheen ook al een artikel met vrijwel dezelfde titel. Lynn Bergers recensie ‘Een verlangen naar oprechtheid’ gaat echter niet over Nederlandse popmuziek, maar over de roman A Thousand …

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Participation and Affect

The twentieth century was bracketed by Modernism, which tried to create cultural forms to make transcendental order from chaotic modern life, and Postmodernism, which seemed to simply give in…

Show All History

New media in the 21st century is in a state. This is not merely to say that the thoroughly digitized landscape of communications technologies we are constantly immersed in is vast and disorderly. This additionally means that the disarray of hardware…

Moving from I to It

Writing from the perspective of the amateur who perceives his practice as the only thing he has – not the theory behind it, not the label on top of it, not the object at the end of it – why was I drawn to Formcontent? Because being a spectator at their four events…

The Anti-Rebel

David Foster Wallace proclaimed that the generation of artists who would oppose postmodernism would perhaps be “some weird bunch of ‘anti-rebels’, born oglers who dare to back away from ironic watching, who have the childish gall actually to endorse single-entendre values” (Wallace 192).  These artists would address “old untrendy human troubles and emotions in U.S. …

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